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It's unusual for three major AI providers to all be down at the same time, which could signal a broader infrastructure issues or internet-scale problem.

AI action "Highlights":

Key Highlights of the AI Outage:

Simultaneous Downtime: ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity, three major AI providers, experienced simultaneous outages, suggesting a potential broader infrastructure issue or internet-scale problem.

Possible Causes: While ChatGPT's outage was likely due to a bug, Claude and Perplexity may have been overwhelmed by a surge in traffic due to ChatGPT's downtime.

Impact: Users were unable to access these AI chatbots, leading to disruptions and frustration.

Recovery: All three services eventually came back online, with Claude and Perplexity experiencing shorter outages than ChatGPT.

Notable Events:

  • ChatGPT experienced a second outage within a short period, lasting several hours.
  • The outage coincided with a zero-day spam attack on TikTok, affecting prominent accounts.

Key Takeaways:

  • The simultaneous outages highlight the interconnectedness of online services and the potential vulnerability of AI infrastructure.
  • The surge in traffic towards Claude and Perplexity during ChatGPT's outage demonstrates the growing popularity and reliance on AI chatbots.
  • The incident underscores the need for robust infrastructure and contingency plans to ensure reliable access to critical online services.